Ramesh from Yadadri district wanted to enter the agricultural industry. As per an agrifarming.in report, he started with tomato plants in initially, He produces a yield of 1000 kg per week at present. He invests nearly Rs 20,000 per month and gets a profit of almost Rs 85000 per month from poly house farming.   

The use of a poly house for farming

Green technology or poly house is used because it is environmental friendly and gives many benefits. For instance, boosting crop production, reduction of cost with little adverse impact on the environment.  The experts in this field suggest that poly house farming remains one of the most efficient ways to produce healthy food. Furthermore, it is also one of the most promising methods used by large-scale farms around the world. 

The primary aim of green technology is to cut down the carbon footprint to prevent climate change. Solar power is one of the most efficient green technologies and  is now cheaper than other fossil fuels. 

Brainware’s initiative towards agricultural production 

In this regard, Brainware university has taken a significant step to in poly house farming in  the campus. They have built their own protected agricultural system – poly house.  

“Poly house can be made by waste material like fire clay, bricks, leaves and straws,” informed Dipankar Bhattacharya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Brainware University. In a poly house, plants are expose to all sort of inputs such  as temperature, climate condition like rainfall and also insects so all these parameters influence the  growth of plants. 

While explaining the functioning of a poly house, the VC said that sun rays can enter into but cannot leave easily which is the reason behind the controlled temperature in a poly house. Solar power is being used in the poly house for crop production. 

Brainware University has taken the initiative to use this technology in an effective way. As per the university administration, the poly house also provides hands-on training to the B.Sc. Agriculture students so that they can have the exposure and learn how the mechanism works.