
Om Blood Bank Industry Visit

Om Blood Bank Industry Visit

Om Blood Bank Industry Visit

How does a BLOOD BANK WORK?: BMLT Students' Training Session at OM Blood Bank.

Our BMLT students from Brainware University's Department of Allied Health Sciences recently embarked on an incredible 7-day hands-on training adventure with OM Blood Bank! From the very basics of blood collection to the intricate process of component separation, patient handling, and blood bag screening, every moment was a lesson in life-saving techniques.

Throughout the week, they immersed themselves in the world of Blood Banking, mastering tasks like blood donor selection & phlebotomy, TTI testing (HIV, HbsAg, HIV I,2, VDRL), Serology tests (Cross-matching such as ICT, DCT), Blood grouping (Forward, reverse), and Blood components storage.

Now equipped with these essential skills, our students are ready to make a difference in the world of healthcare! Join us in celebrating their dedication and passion for learning as they take the next step in their journey as future healthcare professionals.